Terms & services

Modern Slavery Policy

At Crystal Delta, we want to ensure that we do not partake in or support any organisation that engages in the act of Modern Slavery. We are committed to:

  • The detection, exposure, and remediation of modern slavery
  • Ending modern slavery, human trafficking, slavery, debt bondage, forced labour, child labour and slavery-like practices
  • Upholding human rights to end human rights abuse
  • Ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible sourcing
  • Eliminating fraud and corruption
  • Fair employment conditions
  • Crystal Delta will ensure that modern slavery does not take place within our organisation, regardless of where our employees operate globally. We will also do what we can to ensure that it is not occurring in our supply chains and will ask our suppliers to share our commitment to respect the rights of all workers and to act lawfully and ethically in all components of their businesses.

    If you should suspect that any form of modern slavery is taking place within one of our clients, business partners or suppliers, then you should raise this immediately with our HR Consultant. Your concern will then be managed following the guidelines under the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 or in reference to International Labour Standards.

    Further Information

    Any employee requiring further information aboutthis policy should contact the CEO or our HR Consultant.

    Australian employees may also refer to the relevant state or territory workplace health and safety agency or to the Fair Work Commission’s website (in relation to workplace bullying) at www.fwc.gov.au.

    Version 1.0
    Dated June 2022